Étudiants, Chercheurs


We are 270+ million French speakers around the world. Learning French opens a great number of new cultural and professional horizons for you. Use your stay in France to learn French.

Why learning French?

Speaking and writing French is really useful!

More than 270 million people speak French around the world, and in nearly 30 countries.

French is also the language of diplomacy: it belongs to the official languages of the UN and many international organisations such as the European Union and the Red Cross.

In France, there are over 1,300 higher education programmes in English. So you don't have to learn French to complete your studies in France and obtain a degree. HOWEVER, even if you are taking courses in English, you will still be living in France. Speaking French, at least to some extent, will make your integration much easier and you will enjoy your stay even more!

How to learn French in Ireland?

Five Alliances françaises are based in Ireland:

They all offer courses of excellent quality and certified by the French ministry.

Also, the 7 universities in Ireland have a French department and some institutes of technology as well. Have a look at their programme!


You can also learn French online!

  • To become familiar with French and the French culture, watch TV5 Monde, the international Francophone channel. Through Apprendre platform, interactive exercises adapted to all levels of French are available.
  • RFI Savoirs, the Francophone radio station, has exercises, informative dossiers.
  • The Association Française pour la Formation des Adultes (French Association for Adult Learning) offers MOOC (Massive Online Open Courses), in particular about French as a Foreign Language (FLE) to teach beginners the basics.

Learning French in France

You can learn French in a large number of training centres in France. From beginners to experts, for a short or long stay, you will find the tailor-made class.

To make sure that you learn French in the right conditions, we suggest the centres labelled "qualité FLE" (FFL quality).

You will find the list of these centres on the catalogue of short programmes and summer schools published by Campus France.

For more information, download the mobile application Immersion France where you can find loads of information about this.

Your French proficiency!

There are several French tests and certificates to prove your level of French. They may be required when you enrol in a higher education institutions.

The DELF and the DALF (Diplôme d’Etudes en Langue Française and the Diplôme Approfondi de Langue Française are official certificates awarded by the Ministry of National Education. They incorporate six independent diplomas that certify to the holder's ability in the four areas of language competence.

You can take DELF/DALF exams in Alliances françaises.